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Picture of Courtney Champagne

Meet Courtney Champagne

Courtney is a certified Reiki Master and experienced psychic energy coach and healer. Her work combines extensive business experience with her intuitive talents to create a peaceful sanctuary for her clients.


The coaching relationship starts with a free 30-minute session to better understand client needs and assess fit. If Courtney is the right fit, clients fill out a detailed questionnaire, and ongoing weekly sessions begin. Coaching includes reiki, psychic and energy skills, and a weekly card reading email. $111/hour or $400/mo.for 4 visits. |. $55 for a Coaching Starter Tool Kit


These 5-10 minutes sessions are intended to provide fast healing and relief and can also be done virtually. 

Distance $25/hour. | Hands-on $55/hour


Whatever your need, Courtney can create a spell for it with her intuitive skills. She will design the spell, supply the ingredients, and can cast it herself or instruct clients on how to cast it. $44/spell


A potion is a combination of crystal essences combined with moon water and/or rose water that is prepared with intention and meant for spraying or adding to baths. Standard Potions $22.22 |  Custom Spell Kits $44


Neutralize energy in living spaces, create protective boundaries and perform necessary spirit communication to ensure a grounded, peaceful living environment. $100-$500


Courtney leads a class with history, pointers, and directions on spell casting, and setting intentions. Each participant compiles their own curated spell kit according to moon cycles and includes tools like crystals, herbs, salts, and candles. Specific requests should be indicated upon booking, otherwise will include spells for love, abundance, and banishment 90 minutes | $44 per-guest for up to 10 guests


Courtney provides a holistic reading of the client’s current energy, based on cards pulled from Courtney’s personal card collection and pendulum reading. Clients can submit one or two specific questions (via comments when booking) and will also receive distance reiki.
30-minute video reading, delivered to your inbox | $55


Courtney’s quick-dose, energy-shifting sessions will clear negative energy and help clients get re-focused and grounded. Content is varied based on the reason for booking, but always includes breath-work and supportive reassurance that they are never alone. 15 minutes on Zoom | $22

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